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Block AMRADR & Make Americans have normal radar
Submitted by ArgCmdr

Blocking AMRADR is incredibly useful for maps when paradrops arent logical, for example lunars.

The way around about it only contains five strings, add them up to your map:



; Basically, you´re overruling the previous state in which America was forbidden to have the normal radar, by setting that Civilians cant have it. As Civilians are passive, it doesnt matter. Now, Youre making AMRADR unbuildable by the AI, and unbuildable by anyone, by setting TechLevel to 11 (Notice that this also prevents the building from being created by triggers right at the start of the map. Dont do that or youll have an internal error!)

In the same way, you will want to block all infantry to be consistent, and add special abilities for countries whose specific unit is infantry (Eg: Cost multipliers)

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